// Photography (professional with concluded contract)
- 150 lei/hour
// Filming (non-professional/visitors)
- 30 lei/hour
// Filming (professional – with concluded contract)
- 300 lei/hour
// Other events fee (for example theatre, theatre for children, musical evenings, conferences etc.)
- 5 lei/pers.
// Sale of in-house goods, as well as of goods deriving from third parties, through the shops of the museums:
Purchase Value | Percentage Applied |
1-20 lei | 35% |
21-50 lei | 30% |
51-100 lei | 25% |
peste 100 lei | 20% |
// Preventive archaeological research in order to receive the archaeological discharge permit, restoration-conservation services for goods from third parties – percentage costs:
- 8% from the total estimate of works
// Guided tour fee at request
- 80 lei/hour
// Copying, printing, scanning and creation of publicity materials polychromy
- 3 lei/page copying, scanning A4
- 5 lei/page creation+listing A4
- 5 lei/page copying A3
- 20 lei/page creation+listing A3
// Participation in activities of museum pedagogy
- Educational activities (workshops lasting at least one week – with remunerated lecturers/coordinators) – 60 lei/person/week
// Participation in activities of museum pedagogy
- Educational activities (workshops lasting at least one week, with own staff) – 35 lei/person/week
// Participation in activities of museum pedagogy
- Educational activities (daily workshops with own staff) – 10 lei/person
// Participation in activities of museum pedagogy
- Educational activities for adults (workshops lasting at least one week, with remunerated lecturers) – 200 lei/person/week
// Events at Vama church (weddings, christening services)
- 300 lei/event
// Carriage renting (without horses)
- 200 lei/hour/carriage
// Photography (weddings, christening services and other occasional personal events)
- 200 lei/photo shooting
// Dress room fee Princely fortress
- 5 lei/photo
// Medieval costume rental fee
- 50 lei/suit
// Other events (civil society meetings, conferences, workshops etc)
- 2 lei/participant (for: electricity, water, use of bathrooms, cleaning, consumables etc.)
// Library access fee/documentary funds
- 10 lei
// Fee for scanning documents
- 5 lei/page/document